article submissionMany internet marketers have heard the traffic that article marketing can bring a website. But once they prove themselves, they will find the results less rewarding. With article marketing as an increasingly well-known free (or inexpensive) way to quickly get lots of inbound links to the website of value can not be underestimated.

However, as this trend grows, so does the population of items that are available. With competition inherent Article newsletter distributors and publishers are increasingly selective about the items they accept. As they are in the driver’s seat, the only sensible thing to do is find out what they need, and the most effective way to offer that to them.

Here are 9 tips that include everything from off-line preparation that Byline Real & Main. Each is designed to make the process as efficient and painless as possible. Included in the byline is a link to a list of about 100 sites of presentation and submission services recommended.


There are several topics, each distributor was used for each article submission. The preparation of these advances in the writing process, will make filing session flow smoothly. The following list includes everything needed to submit an article:

Title : As the site name, the title was, and always will be the first notification of articles. This is true for journalists, and distributions as well as those who eventually read. Although there are many articles on this topic alone, the important thing to remember is: a short and concise. Faster than people can understand what the article is, the faster you can decide if they are interested. And never, never a misleading title. Although it may have some attention, which in the long run, publishers do remember being disappointed in you.

Synopsis or Abstract : This is a brief description of the article, there are usually one or two sentences. Many dealers have even a byte or character limit for this. Compliance with this limit. If your summary of what the system will probably just cut the last words. The synopsis is used by retailers to promote the article on their lists article. It is short “blurb” that explains a little of the article.

Key words : As with the web site keywords, these keywords must be relevant to the topic. For example, the keywords used in this article: Business Writing, article marketing, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, article submission, newsletter distribution. They are all linked in some meaningful way, the overall theme. They do not need to be more than four or five sentences. These are used not only for database searches, but the main search engines, too.

Body : Most retailers also have a limit on the amount of characters / bytes for this, but are usually generous with this amount. Respect of that amount. If your article exceeds these limits, edit it properly.

Byline : This is a small box at the bottom of the page, which is “about the author”. Why is it called “subtitle” is because this is an article “from”, ie who wrote it. Be brief, but be sure to add a background that is relevant to the subject, and may prevent you from ‘”expert”, as well as his profession, and a link to your site are necessary. Again, there are limitations to these, ranging from a distributor. In general, if it is short (like mine, below), there are no objections.

When all this was written the article is ready for submission. It is also a good idea before starting to make a short version that includes all these subjects, then save it as something like, “basic_article.txt”.

2. THE RIGHT “PROCESS” : Each program has its own favorite word processor. And most are good for use with sites of presentation. Word is so ubiquitous, most sites require writers to use this feature. However, while retailers accept these platforms does not mean you can accept all formats including them.

Generally, the format should be kept to an absolute minimum. I spend a stupid old Notepad (yes, WP small accessories that are available in every copy of Windows). It forces me to forget about formatting. Since an article must be adaptable to different types of formatting, keep its format generally allows a greater number of distributors to accept it. The last thing you expect is that the dealer for taking the time to re-format an article. This is not a part of their work. It is part of the author.

Also, if you use Notepad as you write an article, activate Word Wrap “ON”. But while sending it, turn it “OFF”. This simple step can save you hours of re-formatting for each submission site, and is another good reason to use Notepad. Always remember: the encoding-Bad.


Although most mail is accepting HTML coding and many do not include it automatically, does not mean that the programs used in the distribution section are included in this equation. This is another excellent reason to use something like Notepad, since there is a minimum of coding hidden or invisible. Any type of encryption can transfer bad and cause an article to be more like a cyptogram to write legibly. Remember: Coding-BAD. None. Coding BON Some dealers even characters are not allowed as common as quotation marks or asterisks. A good substitute for the word in capital letters, which also work well to replace a word in bold or italisized.

Up to this point, it was advice on the preparation process. The following refers to the actual bidding process.


In particular, an ambitious writer who is always doing Google searches for sites new article, it should be noted that not all sites are reputable presentation. For some reason, some people will envy the subtitle, even a simple payment of valuable content, and “forgets” a number of key essential elements. Any site reputation (and most of them are), the author offers three services: the segment subtitle, the ability to preview the finished product as well as edit the article in which it is delivered. For those who are for some reason, the writer may be a caption at the top in the title, signatures, and the bottom inside of the body of the article. But only for those that do not provide a place for them. Otherwise, your articles will come out looking silly – and can be passed on – has doubled this content.

5. PICs OF YOU :

Some sites require the presentation of photos of the author. Although many people shy away from cameras, this is an added security measure against plagarism, especially if the image is included in every article. So it is advisable to keep a relatively new photo files on your computer. Most of those who do not ask, this requires that the image file is relatively small, so keep things simple.


The correct category during the submission process is another key ingredient to success. Most newsletter editors to skim only the classes relevant to their discipline. If the site is not contrary to skip classes and go for it.


Until recently, including a professional e-mail should be the subtitle. However, the growth of problematic e-mail security, this is increasingly rare. If you use an email address at all, use something that is not directly associated with a privately owned web site.


Submitting first collection crueling article (with emphasis on the “mission”) can be overwhelming for a newsletter budding writer. But if time is used wisely, it can be an investment that will pay for itself in each subsequent item.

When submitting to sites, create a folder in the “Favorites” or “Bookmarks” portion of your browser. For each successful submission, remember to add the link for that site to your folder. Also, edit each one, putting the username for that site and password in the link so that, when clicked on it, it also has this information available. And, to save steps later, be sure the link goes to the sign-in page (for those requiring membership) or directly to the submission site (for those without). Once this system is in place, and the article includes all necessary items, the whole process should only take a short time.


DO : Adjust Your Signature Under Article and promotion. For example, if my main job now is to Internet marketing, also worked as a craftsman. If I decided to write an article on art, I would like to see it to include this information. Otherwise, set aside. Furthermore, since they represent different companies, choose the company most closely associated with the point. The approval of this reflection on, we can also write articles that specifically promote different sites.

DON’T : If a site does not allow HTML design in the bottom line, do not use. Enter the URL in its entirety. Some sites simply do not have the technology to support HTML. There are also several free services that provide short URLs or URL blocking, if there are concerns about safety.

DON’T : URL contains more than allowed. Some sites do not specifically limit, but most do not want more than two or three.

DO : As added protection against plagarism, always put the name of the letters right at the end of this article, like me, underneath. This is an old way of writing off, which is usually used to find a newspaper job, barns, which consisted of articles in which the authors. Online, prevents plagarist Copy/paste the text unnoticed.

Finally, and above all, respect the rules or requirements for the presentation of each site is for your sake and theirs. Remember, the more people learn the value of article marketing, competition continues to increase. Then, you send a regular basis, such as sites you trust, and good content with a professionally delivered, and we appreciate your efforts.