on page optimizationOn-page Optimization is the most important technique practised by professional web developers in creating a successful website and making it SEO-friendly.

Title Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Keyword Optimization
Link Optimization
Image Optimization
HTML Tag Reviews

1. Title Optimization

A title-tag is by far the most important website optimization element. A title-tag should be short but descriptive enough for your visitors to identify you and your business. Title-tags show first on search engines.

Important things to include in your title:

Your Name/ Business Name / Site Name: This is very important for branding and description proposes.
Keywords: If you want to rank high for keywords it is favourable to place some of them in your title tag. A title-tag represents the flavour and content of your website.

2. Meta-Tags Optimization

A meta-tag should contain a brief description of your services and specialization. If a potential customer finds your meta-tag appealing, he is likely to click and visit your page. In simple words, it needs to look better than your competition.

Important things to include in your Meta Description:

Include your USP – Tell your customers what they want to hear through your site’s Meta Description, and you will definitely get some advantage over others.
Keywords – Including some of your keywords will give you advantage in Google’s algorithm.

3. Keyword Optimization

Your site’s content needs to be search engine-optimized. We will create a balance between your keywords and multi-pages content.

4. Link Optimization

It is recommended to optimize your internal and external outbound links and provide search engines and browsers better navigation links.

5. Image Optimization

If your site has lot of images, we will create special tags for your images to give them relevance to assist web crawlers and engine spiders to improve ranking.

6. Important HTML Tags

It is necessary for your business to highlight certain parts of your website that you want your readers to look at. There are several tags in html which allows you to do so. For instance – the header tags [h1] [h2] [h3], Bold [strong], Italic [em] etc. The text inside your header tags (e.g. [h1]) is given high importance by search engines. Usually you can use this technique to define the page titles or important sections of your website. In addition you can consider a change in header elements and text styles.